The Lo. Street market round two was yet another success! These markets are the first Saturday of every month downtown Midland and are hosted by Micro Market Midland. It’s so fun to come and be part of the event along side fellow small biz. owners. Thanks to everyone who stopped by Z & Joxa and did some shopping. It’s always great to meet y’all face to face.
If you are keeping up with my blog posts you will notice the last blog post and this blog post are back to back. Yes, the Friday night market and this market were both within 24 hours. I got home from the Friday night market at The Tailgate at about 11:30pm, left everything packed in the vehicle, and I was back in action the following morning for this market. I love to hustle, so don't be surprised if I sign-up for more back to back markets! It really is so fun to get out in front of people and promote Z & Joxa.
- LaVerne (Z & Joxa Co. Founder) 💛